Running Across Sydney Harbour Bridge | Sydney, Australia

On a bright and sunny day in Sydney, I decided to go for a run and take in the view from Sydney Harbour Bridge.  Just kidding!  As you can see, it was cold, grey, and gloomy, but I wasn’t about to let that stop me from grabbing my camera and going for a run. Most of the pictures were taken blindly with the GoPro in a wrist mount and a few were taken with an iPhone and thrown in for good measure.

As you’ll see from the abundance of pics that I took, it wasn’t a run based on breaking any world records, but more of a run to discover Sydney.  The last time we were in Sydney, Mr. TSG was kind enough to run and take pics for the Running in Sydney post, but this time I was giving it a go.

Any good run early in the day should be met with a huge climb up a set of stairs, like these at the Hickson Steps.  Fun!
Approaching the stairs up to the bridge
Approaching the stairs up to the bridge
View from one flight up
View from one flight up
Go left and you’ll head out to Cahill Walks and the Botanic Gardens and the Sydney Opera House.  Turn right and you’ll go over Sydney Harbour Bridge.  Looks like I’m turning right.
Running on the Sydney Harbour Bridge - the view is amazing!
Running on the Sydney Harbour Bridge – the view is amazing!
What a view of the Sydney Opera House!
What a view of the Sydney Opera House!
Running on the bridge to the Pylon Lookout.
Running on the bridge to the Pylon Lookout.


Sneaking a peek by the Pylon Lookout entrance
Sneaking a peek by the Pylon Lookout entrance
Crossing the bridge over to Kirribilli
Crossing the bridge over to Kirribilli
Running up to Luna Park
Running up to Luna Park


Luna Park Sydney and the easily recognizable 30' smiling face
Luna Park Sydney and the easily recognizable 30′ smiling face
It was early and this place was a ghost town!
It was early and this place was a ghost town!


The 115 foot tall Ferris Wheel has 24 gondolas
The 115 foot tall Ferris Wheel has 24 gondolas


Sydney's skyline as viewed from under the bridge at Luna Park
Sydney’s skyline as viewed from under the bridge at Luna Park





The beautiful Sydney skyline
The beautiful Sydney skyline
Time to climb the bridge stairs in Kirribilli and head back
Time to climb the bridge stairs in Kirribilli and head back
Looking down at the Church by the Bridge (yes - that's really its name!)
Looking down at the Church by the Bridge (yes – that’s really its name!)
Despite the rain, there were many runners and walkers already out
Despite the rain, there were many runners and walkers already out






I highly recommend strapping on your sneakers and go for a run in a new city or destination as it will give you a different perspective than what you might get while walking or riding in a car.  You should definitely take all safety precautions and don’t be careless, but in the end you’ll have priceless memories to take home with you.

Think you might want to give it a go and run in Sydney?  There are plenty of online resources provide detailed courses, but the website has a section titled, “Things to Do: Running in Sydney” that you should definitely check out.