Coffeeshops in Amsterdam TSG is here to give you all the necessary information you’ll need for your next trip to Amsterdam. When you talk about a coffeeshops in Amsterdam, we are not talking about Starbuck’s or Dunkin’ Donuts. “What?” you say, “If there isn’t coffee in a coffeeshop, what are they selling?” Glad you asked that question. If you already know the answer to this question, bear with me as I explain to those who might not have already heard that marijuana is readily available in Amsterdam. If you’re wanting to do some of your own research into marijuana, specifically medical marijuana and CBD which is also available in Amsterdam, perhaps have a look around at sites like and others. Let’s review:
The drug policy of the Netherlands officially has four major objectives: 1. To prevent recreational drug use and to treat and rehabilitate recreational drug users. 2. To reduce harm to users. 3. To diminish public nuisance by drug users (the disturbance of public order and safety in the neighbourhood). 4. To combat the production and trafficking of recreational drugs.
Dampkring Introduced in the 1970’s, coffeeshops (spelled as one word) cannot sell alcohol, but can sell food and beverages as well as cannabis in small amounts. Don’t expect to walk into a coffeeshop and have it look like a McDonald’s with a big menu and long lines. The coffeeshops aren’t even allowed advertise the cannabis outside or or even inside the shops. All cannabis coffeeshops will have a green and white flag sticker on the front somewhere that says “coffeeshop” and most also have Rasta colors or other imagery that removes any doubt as to what it is exactly. Instead, the menus are often behind the bar and you need to ask for it. It’s a safe environment where locals and of course, tourists go to relax and sample the goods. It’s no surprise that these coffeeshops are becoming more and more popular, considering the rise of cannabis products all over the world in the treatment of the various prominent mental health issues of the modern age. With more people turning to things like cannabis vaping (use this cbdMD coupon code if you want to try this yourself to help with things like anxiety, depression and insomnia), it make sense that visiting places like these would also become a regular part of your lifestyle. The Bulldog But how do you know which coffeeshop is the one that you will want to go to try it out? They’re literally everywhere and if you don’t see one, then you aren’t looking hard enough. In the high traffic areas you will be able to find several at a time.
The first picture at the top of the page is of the popular BlueBird coffeeshop.
The picture of the brown building above is of the the Dampkring . Dampkring gets quite a few visitors because the crew from the movie “Ocean’s 12” spent time visiting it during their stay in Amsterdam.
The picture above is of The Bulldog, a chain of coffeeshops with its easily identifiable logo and multiple locations throughout Amsterdam.
But how do you locate a coffeeshop by other than stumbling upon one? There are a number of directories that you can view such as the Amsterdam Coffeeshop Directory or Coffeeshops Amsterdam. You might want to Google something like “best coffeeshops in Amsterdam” and you might find a rated list like this one although there are many lists like this out there on the internet. Walking the streets of Amsterdam Once you’ve chosen your coffeeshop of choice, be sure to ask questions about the menu. I love this little blurb from Amsterdam Travel: Every coffeeshop has a menu, either on tables, behind the bar or in a manned stall usually in a corner. Selections are typically divided into weed, hash, pre-rolled joints and sometimes “spacecakes” (sweet cakes baked with marijuana in them). If you’d like to try a few of these products before you go, visit and buy a few. Then you’ll know which products you like and which you don’t!! Prices vary by quantity (grams, bags, individual joints) and quality. But don’t just point to a funny-sounding name like “White Widow” or “Bubblegum” and hope for the best. Ask the staff what they recommend and what effects each type has. They often ask something like “Well do you want to be high, or do you want to be stoned?” If you’re intimidated, don’t be — coffeeshop employees are friendly, knowledgeable and very accustomed to tourists who don’t know exactly how to go about the whole process. Another coffeeshop in Amsterdam You must be 18 years of age to enter a coffeeshop and you’re only allowed to purchase up to 5 grams per coffeeshop per day. Additionally, although you are able to smoke your purchase inside the coffeeshop, you cannot smoke tobacco as there is an indoor ban on smoking cigarettes in public places. Some friendly advice: 1. Don’t be a loud and obnoxious tourist either inside or outside of a coffeeshop. Yes, this may be your first time visiting one, but in reality — no one really cares. 2. If you intend to smoke, don’t choose a coffeeshop far away from where you’re staying in Amsterdam in case you become easily disoriented or well, goofy. You might even want to get some custom rolling papers if you plan on smoking a lot whilst you’re in Amsterdam. 3. Don’t be a glutton. If you’ll only be in Amsterdam for a week, don’t buy enough for a year because you’re not going to be able to take it with you. 4. Be aware of your surroundings. Remember you’re visiting and are seen as a tourist so don’t open yourself up to a crime because you’re having too much fun to notice that you put your bag down or left your wallet or keys out. 5. If you’re going to smoke in public, be courteous to others especially families with children and people who live in the areas where you are smoking. 6. Lastly, don’t spend all of your time in a coffeeshop when in Amsterdam. There is an abundance of great places to visit and an amazing country to see and it would be a waste if you never got to see any of it. Be an educated consumer and a considerate guest of Amsterdam and I’m pretty sure you’ll not only have a great time, but you’ll go home with some incredible stories. Have you visited one of the coffeeshops in Amsterdam?
I had to cross this off my Bucket List when I was in Amsterdam a few years ago haha.
That’s my girl Andi! Can’t go all the way there and not at least take a peek inside, right?
You’ve convinced me to visit Amsterdam! Booking my ticket for this summer, with Ryan Air, of course, I’m poor x)
Great blog! Enjoy reading it! 😀
I have to admit that I am super jealous that your flight is significantly less than what mine might be. Just priced it out and saw a flight on Ryan Air is around 74 GBP for a flight in June. This only confirms that I need to move. BTW you have quite the interesting blog. Love your sense of humor!
Here are a bunch of Amsterdam coffeeshop menus. It will give you a good feel for what is available and for what cost.
Bud Tender
Thanks for sharing!
I had to cross this off my Bucket List when I was in Amsterdam a few years ago haha.
That’s my girl Andi! Can’t go all the way there and not at least take a peek inside, right?
You’ve convinced me to visit Amsterdam! Booking my ticket for this summer, with Ryan Air, of course, I’m poor x)
Great blog! Enjoy reading it! 😀
I have to admit that I am super jealous that your flight is significantly less than what mine might be. Just priced it out and saw a flight on Ryan Air is around 74 GBP for a flight in June. This only confirms that I need to move. BTW you have quite the interesting blog. Love your sense of humor!