With 7 distinctly designed neighborhoods, Oasis of the Seas has found a way to provide new forms of entertainment for cruisers.

In the Boardwalk area, there is a carousel, the Seafood Shack, a donut shop, Johnny Rockets, and shopping. Walking around this area, you might actually forget you are on a ship.

Walk toward the end of the Boardwalk and you find the aquatheater. Here there are nighttime aquatic shows that are simply phenomenal and during the day a variety of activities for all ages can be found here as well. Seating is open and airy and you never feel like you are sitting on top of anyone else.

The Central Park area is truly amazing. A lush, green area that is inviting and comforting all in one. Plants are abundant as is the seating in this area. There are daily walks with a guide to identify the plants, trees, and don’t forget to look at the living wall of plants. Here is a view looking down at Central Park from inside the ship.

There are several restaurants and shops in Central Park that you should definitely visit. What could be better than to dine outside during the day or at night while on the ocean?