Perhaps you’ve been wondering where Travel Shop Girl has been. I know I’ve been wondering that as well. First let me say, “Happy New Year!” For 2021 I’m going to strive to be a different person. How? By doing something that until now I realize I have avoided at all costs. I’m talking about transparency. I’m going to try to share all of me with my readers no matter how difficult it may be to do.
So what exactly happened to me? After my amazing world cruise, I went back to Boston a completely different person. It wasn’t anything in particular that changed me, but I was different. Unfortunately, one of the changes that had to happen in my life was that I knew my marriage was coming to an end. Our divorce was finalized in September of 2020.
Although I wasn’t writing on my blog or updating social media, I was still traveling and trying to find my new normal. I traveled to the Philippines numerous times and made countless new friendships that I will treasure forever. While in the Philippines, I traveled to many exciting places in the Philippines as well as Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Bali, and Vietnam. I look forward to sharing with you many stories and images from those trips as they were healing and happy trips for me.

While I don’t know what the future holds for me, I’m taking life one day at a time. I’ve always felt like a gypsy or a nomad, which makes life on the road the perfect life for me. I moved to New York in 2019 and in September 2020 I made the big move to Los Angeles. Of course, living abroad is always my number one goal, but I want to find somewhere that will make me happy at least for a while especially during this crazy pandemic.
So here’s to a happy and productive year and to 2021 new beginnings! Let me know what you’ve been doing and I certainly plan to keep writing here on the blog because I’ve missed it so much.