I was looking at some of my pictures of Amsterdam and came across some interesting pictures that I took over our trip on New Year’s and had to post them here. No matter where you turn when you’re traveling, you can find the most unusual and interesting things to photograph. We were walking along and I saw some tents on the side of the street and made the comment, “Bet it’s Occupy Amsterdam.” Funny thing was that it was Occupy Amsterdam! They had a whole little community set up and were working hard to maintain it. Don’t believe me? You can see the live feed from Amsterdam here.

Maybe you’re feeling cerebral and perhaps a quick game of chess is what you’re after. If you walk over to Max Euweplein, a square named after the first and only Dutch world chess champion, you will find a huge chess set. There are always people playing and others watching and maybe giving advice. Regardless, it is an interesting tourist attraction and it’s free. After trying your hand at chess, you can always pop into the nearby Hard Rock Amsterdam to let everyone know just how much of a tourist you really are. If not, you can visit the chess club that is dedicated to Max Euweplein where enthusiasts can challenge each other and show off their fine chess moves. Aftwerwards, if the Hard Rock Cafe isn’t your style, you’re only a short walk to the Holland Casino, one of the biggest casinos in all of Europe. They do charge 5 euros per person admission and you will need to check your coat at the coat check. Don’t expect a Las Vegas style casino, but you can still enjoy yourself and maybe even walk away a winner. If you can’t get here you can always visit their other location at Schiphol Airport.

On one of our many walks around Amsterdam, I spotted the offices of Groupon Amsterdam. I had to stop and take a picture and then promptly kick myself for not thinking about looking at their site prior to our arrival in Amsterdam. Granted, I don’t speak any Dutch and I certainly can’t read their website, but I started to imagine all of the great deals I missed. Darn!
You can call me a cheapskate, but I do like to watch my pennies. In fact, by doing so I can travel more often and to more places. At home I will check web sites for coupon codes for anything I buy, including travel, to save a little money. When I arrive at a location I will try to find out the best way to get the most bang for my buck, too. Sometimes that means that buying a 2-day pass is less expensive than a 1-day pass or combining multiple venues, like museums or other attractions, can save you money as well. Why not save money so you can enjoy more while traveling?

When visiting Amsterdam, Dam Square is definitely a place where tourists stop to take pictures and take in the street entertainment which includes among other things, clowns, musicians, and of course, Death. Beautiful architecture abounds including the Royal Palace, Nieuwe Kerk (a 15th century church), and the Madame Tussaud’s building. I’ve probably covered this before, but I still don’t see the appeal that Madame Tussaud’s commands on the entire tourist community. Here is what is like when you go into a Madame Tussaud’s, be it in Amsterdam, New York, or London: You stand in an incredibly long line for what seems like a lifetime and then you slowly meander through an overcrowded building staring at lifelike figures of famous people that may or may not like their human counterparts. Really? That’s how you want to spend your day? Oh well, to each his/her own.
Do you like to take pictures of unusual things in the cities and countries you visit? What was the strangest picture you have ever taken?
Some day I’ll get to Amsterdam. In the meantime I’m happy to share your journey. Great pics and commentary.