Rainbows of Ireland


Occasionally, I do get to see a rainbow here in the United States and I’m sure just like everyone else, I stop to admire it if only for a moment. In Ireland, there were more rainbows in one place at one time than I have ever seen before. It was spectacular. Now I can’t tell you exactly where we were when I took all of these pictures because we were on the road and we pulled over for the pictures, but does it matter? In this picture, this was our first hint of rainbows yet to come with this softly muted rainbow tucked into the green countryside.


Although somewhat gloomy in the this picture, the rainbow shines beautifully over the Irish landscape.


This rainbow made us believe that maybe, just maybe, there could be leprechauns and a pot of gold at one end or the other of the rainbow.


This last picture is at the Cliffs of Moher and at first glance it looks like I used PaintShop or some other program to add a rainbow, but really — I didn’t! This is a real picture with a real rainbow. Amazing isn’t it?

I am so glad I brought along all of my cameras to take pictures because you never know when a great photo op will present itself. Don’t think of the staged photos of your family in front of a famous site, but think of the scenery around you when framing your pictures. From the sky to the ground to the animals, everything can make a great picture and help you remember your vacation even better.