Cruise Roll Calls and Why They Work
Worried about the crowds on your next cruise? Or are you more like everyone else who gets worried about having no one to hang out with on your next cruise? Granted you’ll be there with your friends and family, but who doesn’t like to make some new friends on the high seas? Traditionally, you waited until you were on the ship before you started to mingle with the other passengers and that’s where the fun began (or didn’t). But did you know that you can connect with your fellow passengers before you ever step foot on a ship? That’s right! There are great websites out there that link passengers sailing on the same cruise together to chat, plan excursions, or simply get to know one another through “roll calls” before their cruise.Sometimes it’s better to just be that little bit extra careful, particularly when it comes to meeting new people.
The one site that everyone always thinks of when it comes to talking about cruises is Cruise Critic. They have an excellent message board that cover just about ev/b>. Find your ship and sail date from the list and simply add yourself to the roll call. Then start chatting with your new friends and who knows? Maybe you’ll have a new BFF even before you board the ship! You can expect on longer cruises of 7-nights or more to have a Meet and Mingle scheduled where everyone on the roll call can get together. The cruise line will supply a room and maybe even beverages and appetizers, depending on the size of the group. Fun!
The new kid on the block is MeetOnCruise, which started in 2010, (now called CruiseLine), but is already gaining in popularity quickly. With roll calls, reviews, cruise guides, quick tips, and more, this easy to use web site makes finding new cruise friends extremely easy. When you join the roll call for your upcoming cruise, you can check the box that interests you: “People to hang out with on the cruise,” “People to share a tour or excursion,” “Meeting other couples,” “Meeting other singles,” etc.

I can hear those people who have never done this screaming out about privacy concerns. I get it and understand your fears, but that’s why you can use whatever name or handle you like on these boards. Certainly you would never give out your address to anyone over the Internet so practice the same safety rules you would practice elsewhere online.
For new cruisers and experienced cruisers alike, getting involved online on one of the many roll calls or message board will only enhance your cruise experience. The next time you book a cruise or if you have one booked already, consider registering for a roll call. You might find some new friend and have some fun!
Thanks Marian for this great article and helping to explain roll calls.
Agree completely about the safety & privacy concerns. Everyone on MeetOnCruise chooses a Username or Handle and that can be anything. And names & email addresses are never shown, unless the member chooses to show them.
We’re finding that most people are joining roll calls to find others to share an excursion with. It’s much nicer to do a private tour with a few people vs doing one with a bus-load!
Thanks Faraz! I love the feel and flow of MeetonCruise and how simple it is to use. No one can say now that they felt lonely or bored on a cruise. By signing up early and getting to know other passengers before the cruise, you can make friends, save money by sharing excursions, and more. I love MeetOnCruise.com — can you tell? 🙂
I will be on the Holland America Eurodam with family and friends on 11/19/11. Looking forward to meeting even MORE friends via MEET ON CRUISE. Be sure to listen to Cruise Radio for even more cruise news!
Follow me on Twitter @scottlara1961
Scott glad to see you posting here and I’m now following you on Twitter! I have a few blog posts here on the Eurodam — don’t know if you’ve seen them, but worth looking at! Have a great time! Marian